
An exciting year and an uncertain future

After a year of rising visitor numbers, we are facing a new year with a lot of uncertainty. Help us to secure the future of OHF. Dear OHF supporters First of all, we would like to thank everyone who has supported us over the past few weeks. Our fundraising campaign has started well, but we

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The different floors at the Victoria Communty Center

Today we would like to give you an overview of what is happening at the Victoria Community Center and who all these partners are. Exactly one and a half years ago, we opened the Community Center together with the organisation ‘A Drop in the Ocean’. Since then it has become a well known place, not

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Fundraising events are back!

On March 15, we were able to host an OHF fundraising event for the first time since the Covid-19 outbreak! The fundraising event took place at the HeuBühne in Meilen ZH, Switzerland. During this evening, one could get general information about the topic of fleeing and the related facts and figures in an exhibition or

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Take action!

One Happy Family has always been able to continue its activities thanks to all of you! You were making all of this possible by supporting us with your thoughts and following our activities, but also by donating.  After this chaotic year that we all experienced, the Community Centre is finally back to being its vibrant

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Situation for people on the move in Greece

More movement More and more people are allowed to leave the Mavrovouni camp (Moria 2.0), since restrictions began to lift in June. Many people are also allowed to leave the island, but not on official transfers and unfortunately, not with official documents. This is problematic because they are then stuck in Athens without access to official support. (Hier

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Reopening for visitors

Updates from OHF This month was a big month! We had our reopening for visitors and we’re so happy about it! Slowly there will be more and more visitors able to spend time at OHF.  We have a registration system by the gate and currently allow a maximum of 180 visitors on OHF ground a

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New board members

One Happy Family was just an idea in Spring 2017 and it has quickly become a place with many different ideas from many people, coming together to create and provide a safe and bubbly space.  After a bit of a chaotic start in Spring 2017 more and more people came to help at the newly

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Some must reads

English 16 Greek prosecutors investigate 147 pushbacks Greek (translation via Browser possible) From the Ministry of Immigration, Turkey is designated a safe third country for Syrians, Afghans, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi and Somalis.  German Eine unserer treuen Helferinnen und Vorstandsmitglied vom OHF, Fanny Oppeler, berichtet: “Nach sechs Monaten auf Lesbos: Wie abnormal normal es hier ist” Im Elend des

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Overview, May 2021

Situation in Greece Greece opened its borders to European countries as well as Australia, North Macedonia, the UAE, the USA,  Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and many more.  A negative covid test or proof of vaccination must be provided at arrival. The EU is still considering opening its Schengen Borders to world tourism.  Currently, 100 people are in quarantine in the Mavrovouni Camp,

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Ready to reopen

The Bazaar and hygiene packs at OHF We finished the distribution of clothes to single men at OHF this month. In total, we served 1,628 men which was a huge achievement! Again, we thank all our partner organisations who helped with the donations, logistics and distribution. Our online shop for hygiene products is still going

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Closure of Kara Tepe, push-backs and transfers

Covid in Greece In early April covid cases in Greece peaked with a 7-day average of 2,800 new infections. Nonetheless, the tourist season in Greece will start mid-May. Therefore, the first travel restrictions were already lifted in mid-April; people arriving from the EU, the US, UK and other places do not need to quarantine any

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Thank you for working with us!

Thank you for working together with us! There have been incredible challenges in 2020 and we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that has been involved with the project this year. Our incredible team on the ground, all our community volunteers and international volunteers around the world, and our board members. 

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Overview 2020

This was the year The year started with nearly 20,000 people forced to live in Moria camp and the surrounding area. 42% of the residents were children, with 17% of those, unaccompanied or separated from their families. There were fights and tensions on a regular basis with deaths and injuries from violence or unsafe conditions feeling

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