
New arrivals and those pushed back

Arrivals of refugees from Ukraine to Greece Over 19’000 people from Ukraine have arrived in Greece in mid April 2022. The majority arrived through the Greek-Bulgarian land border but some arrived as well via flights to the airports of Athens and Thessaloniki. The government of Greece is very welcoming to them and has guaranteed reception capacity

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Equal rights for all!

Apparently no evidence foundAfter four months of independent investigation, the Greek National Authority for Transparency has rejected any allegations of illegal push backs of asylum seekers trying to reach the country. The reports of Lighthouse and a wide consortium of European media, who analysed over 600 videos last year, made headlines internationally. They identified masked

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Sad facts from the island and the mainland

Introduction to AthensWith OHF opening in Athens, we would like to give you a short overview of the Greek city: With more than 4000 years of history, Athens is Europe’s oldest capital and the birthplace of democracy. The city is home to around 660’00 people with more than 3 million in the greater urban area. 

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Another winter brings much suffering

Arrivals and Departures in LesvosFrom the 1st till the 23rd January, there have been 116 arrivals via sea to Lesvos. In that same time period, 53 people departed to the mainland. There are currently 2,325 refugees and asylum seekers that still reside on Lesvos. 87% of the 2,325 are living in Moria 2.0. Men account

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Another year in the camp

2021 on Lesvos in a nutshell 2021 started with a stronger attempt from the Greek authorities to censor NGOs and make working with asylum seekers, migrants and refugees more difficult. OHF had to handle this hurdle and re-register in Greece, but luckily thanks to the hard and detailed work of our volunteers in Switzerland and

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Solidarity with all

Not enough food Up to 60% of current residents of Greek refugee camps do not have access to enough food because of a halt to cash assistance for asylum seekers and denial of food support to both rejected asylum seekers and recognized refugees. A law that was passed last year came into effect this month

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No rights, no money, no food

Cover-up documented At the end of September, 25 people from northern Iraq arrived in the village of Vasilitsi on the Greek mainland. But the next day, there was no trace of them. The mayor as well as several local residents documented their arrival and the whole situation. This was reported by the Tagesschau (German News

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One year after the fire

Record number of low arrivalsAccording to the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum, the number of arrivals to Greece is down 53% in the first eight months of 2021, compared to the same period in 2020. Arrivals to Lesvos are down 75% during this same period. As of 19th September, there are 3,432 refugees and asylum

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Some important news

Afghanistan is facing a new, urgent crisis, and is fearing the consequences of the takeover of the Taliban. As a reaction to that, Greece is strengthening its borders out of fear of a new influx of frightened refugees. Migratory movements into Europe over land and sea are, until now, running as usual.  However, the Evros Land

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The month of July

Covid-19 in Greece and Lesvos Since Monday July 26th, children ages 12-15 are now eligible to be vaccinated in Greece. Around 47% of Greeks are fully vaccinated. 10 out of 11 million Greek nationals have received at least one shot. In July, infection rates were comparable with those from April, just before Greece opened its

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Situation for people on the move in Greece

More movement More and more people are allowed to leave the Mavrovouni camp (Moria 2.0), since restrictions began to lift in June. Many people are also allowed to leave the island, but not on official transfers and unfortunately, not with official documents. This is problematic because they are then stuck in Athens without access to official support. (Hier

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Overview, May 2021

Situation in Greece Greece opened its borders to European countries as well as Australia, North Macedonia, the UAE, the USA,  Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and many more.  A negative covid test or proof of vaccination must be provided at arrival. The EU is still considering opening its Schengen Borders to world tourism.  Currently, 100 people are in quarantine in the Mavrovouni Camp,

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Closure of Kara Tepe, push-backs and transfers

Covid in Greece In early April covid cases in Greece peaked with a 7-day average of 2,800 new infections. Nonetheless, the tourist season in Greece will start mid-May. Therefore, the first travel restrictions were already lifted in mid-April; people arriving from the EU, the US, UK and other places do not need to quarantine any

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5 years EU-Turkey Deal & ongoing human rights violations

COVID/ Vaccines The Greek borders are still closed due to Covid, however it is planned for them to be re-opened in mid-May. The number of infected people keeps growing. Vaccinations started in Greece with the 80-year-old population, followed by the 60-year-old and older. UNHCR reiterated that migrants, refugees and undocumented people also have to receive

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Still inhumane conditions

Covid in Greece and Lesvos To avoid a third wave of outbreaks, a tougher lockdown has been imposed for the whole of Greece with a curfew starting at 18.00 daily. The new variants of the virus strains are spreading in Greece, many SMEs and the closed hospitality sector are suffering, and the hospitals are predicted

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Danger of lead poisoning in the middle of winter

Lesvos: winter is here 7,300 people are living in a dire situation as winter arrived with temperatures below zero, heavy rain and thunderstorms. UNHCR and other NGOs are offering the Greek authorities help to improve the conditions of Moria 2.0 (Mavorouni). It turns out that in October a 5.2 million Euro contract was issued to a local private company

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New regulation and announcements

A new regulation from the Greek government threatens to criminalise NGOs and volunteers for sharing information from within the camps. This is another attempt to hide the inhumane living conditions and the many mistakes made inside the camps. (Read more:  Additionally, the SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) also announced it will stop its

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Overview 2020

This was the year The year started with nearly 20,000 people forced to live in Moria camp and the surrounding area. 42% of the residents were children, with 17% of those, unaccompanied or separated from their families. There were fights and tensions on a regular basis with deaths and injuries from violence or unsafe conditions feeling

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Lockdown, an overview of 2020 and more

Lockdown in Greece Since the beginning of November, Greece has been under a complete lock-down, with the restrictions expected to stay in place for most of December. Although the refugee camps were under an unjustified lockdown long before this, the second lockdown has affected its residents especially hard. Not only are basic “services” at the

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Build Communities not Camps

Build communities – not camps! Lesvos Solidarity – Pikpa, a solidarity structure which was created in 2012 by locals hosted refugees since years in dignified accommodation, welcoming some of the most vulnerable cases (such as victims of torture, victims of shipwreks, LGBTQI+ individuals, single parents etc.). The vulnerable people were officially referred to Pikpa –

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