Medical Volunteers International (MVI), our incredible partner, offer mental health services here at OHF for both adults and children who suffer from severe mental health disorders and mental health complaints.
We asked Paolo, the children’s program coordinator, to tell us more. “We provide mental health and psychoeducation group activities to children between 3-17 years old. The main goal with the program is to stabilise their symptoms, help them with resilience and communication skills, and be better able to express emotions.” During September, 89 children and 38 parents participated in their programme. For the parents there are psychoeducation group sessions with the aim to support them and for mutual support. “I like it because of the possibilities to adjust the programme to the target group’s needs, the independence and autonomy the program offers is important.”
Roja, the adult program coordinator , told us more. “We see patients with mental health complaints. They get referred to us by the MVI primary care team inside camp or other actors. We do a one hour assessment to see what the current problem is. If it’s not the right fit we refer them to a suitable actor for that mental health complaint.” Right now they have psychoeducational groups for adults dealing with panic attacks, fear, grief and loss amongst others. Since there is a big need for psychological sessions for single men, they also have individual consultations providing coping strategies, crisis interventions, psychosocial support and much more. “It is very valuable to give them a safe space, a space to restore their resources and strength.”
They both said that the collaborations between OHF and the partner organisations are important for the progress of their clients. “Being at OHF is so valuable, as it gives the clients the opportunity to come to a safe, beautiful place. They are always here, hanging out on the ground and benefitting from all the activities OHF provides – the atmosphere at OHF helps them. It’s a safe place, in an unsafe setting.”
Thank you so much for the invaluable work you are doing.