Manroof supports us with 500 reusable bags per month. Those bags are made out of recycled banners. At OHF, we use those bags at the free online shop. They are packed with the ordered hygiene products and the people come and can pick up their individual orders.
Fifie, our coordination team member who is responsible for the logistics, says: “I am very happy that we are no longer handing out hygiene packs to our customers in plastic bags but in reusable bags. The bags are not only useful to the people for carrying hygiene products but they also use it as a bag for carrying their belongings. Thanks to Manroof for this sustainable solution that is environmentally friendly.”
Another possible collaboration with Manroof is currently being discussed. This includes, for example, that the bags would be produced by our tailor here at OHF. We are excited about the future and would like to thank Manroof again for the wonderful bags and the cooperation.