One Happy Podcast #7

This week we talk about how people deal with foreign languages and situations where they got misunderstood, had an awkward situation or laughed because of funny mistakes. We will also introduce the professional skills workshop with Danielle and Cliff. What was important for them while they were here, how did people participate and what skills

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One Happy Podcast #6

  Listen to what our one and only Colombian volunteer did in her 2 and a half months on the island. Laugh with us about what’s going on behind the scenes of our Podcast production and in the end Aimerance will talk with us about her daily tasks and her work in One Happy Family. 

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One Happy Podcast #5

This Episode is all about the One Happy Family currency the ‘Drachma’. What is Drachma? Where does this name come from? Where can I use Drachma? How many Drachmas do I need for a tea or a coffee?  How does the new recycling idea for the café work? How much costs a shampoo? What do

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One Happy Podcast #4

This episode is all about the volunteers.  We chat with Sam, who volunteered in One Happy Family for 2 months. If you want to know how your time as a volunteer in OHF could look like, listen to Sam’s stories, experiences, laughter and statements. We also asked Aimerance, who works in the Café how she

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One Happy Podcast #3

Sam, Zahra, Ali, Paul, Clara, Emilia, Mindy, Reza are helpers, volunteers and visitors of One Happy Family. In our 3rd Podcast we asked them what their favourite part of #OneHappyFamily is. Primary health care, sort out medical histories, treat chronic illnesses and acute problems, assist in social and psychological problems; @DocMobile is doing a lot

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One Happy Podcast #2

One Happy Family würde nicht existieren ohne unsere wunderbaren Helfer und Voluntäre aus der ganzen Welt! In der heutigen Ausgabe treffen wir Menschen, die im Community Center Freiwilligenarbeit leisten. Hört, zu in welchen Projekten sie arbeit und wie sie von ihren Lieblingsmomenten im Projekt erzählen. Wir hoffen euch gefällt unser neuer Podcast! Nächste Woche publizieren

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One Happy Podcast #1

Nach Workshops, Trainings und Hingabe freuen wir uns, dass unser kleines Radioteam nun die erste Episode unserer neuen Podcast-Show “One Happy Podcast” veröffentlicht hat. “One Happy Podcast” ist ein neues Projekt, das Aktivitäten und Geschichten von #OneHappyFamily umfasst. Wir schauen gründlich in die verschiedenen Aktivitäten und Projekte im Zentrum und hören Geschichten von inspirierenden Gästen,

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‘Kindness can go a long way’

Ashley and Jordan Johnsen Living in the United States, Ashley and Jordan Johnsen know the refugee crises is a hot topic. But with Trump as their president, they say there is not a lot of information about displaced people. A reason to come to Lesvos to see the situation themselves. ‘Trump dominates our news cycle.

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‘Refugees are not from a different planet’

Gaelle Dietrich Gaelle Dietrich volunteers in a center for refugees in Germany. To learn more about what these people are going through, she decided to go to Lesvos. ‘I wanted to go a little bit further in the work I am doing. I felt the need to see where the people I work with have

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‘My impact starts now’

Tina Leiser She decided to go to Lesvos because she felt the need to know what refugees in Europe go through. After this experience, Tina Leiser is ready to raise awareness in Switzerland. ‘I know my impact in Lesvos was really small. But I needed to come here to understand the whole situation. Now I

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‘Try to imagine how it feels to be a refugee’

Soa Krummenacher She wanted to travel, but she could not decide where to go. A documentary about Moria made her decide to go to Lesvos. ‘It was not a problem, but the fact that I had so many opportunities in my life stressed me out. What if I didn’t make the right choice? After seeing

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‘I am confronted with the reality now’

Brigitte Fredriksen As an English teacher, Brigitte Fredriksen decided she wanted to use her education skills somewhere else. Her experience in One Happy Family has moved her and opened her eyes. ‘The people I’ve met in the community center are so open, friendly and welcoming. The daily life of the refugees is so different from

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‘This experience will stay in our hearts’

Elisabeth Tobler, Barbara Aulopi & Alexsandra Hitz Elisabeth Tobler, Barbara Aulopi and Alexsandra Hitz wanted to make the world a little bit better. When they got to know about One Happy Family, they knew this was the right place to volunteer. ‘We feel close to the motto of this community center; not working for, but

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‘One Happy Family teaches you how to be kinder’

Giulia Berti She wanted to go to Lesvos before, but her family told her not to. It was a friend of Giulia Berti (25) who told her about One Happy Family and made her decide to volunteer at the community center. ‘My family thought it would be too dangerous to work here. But when my

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‘One Happy Family: a home for the people who need it’

Sam Salih Sam Salih fled his country from war five years ago. He stayed for two months in Greece, travelled to Italy and eventually was able to get to Germany. Now he finally is in safety, he decided to commit his life to helping others who are stuck in Greece. This is his fourth time

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‘Sometimes a Mandala can save a life’

Dilan Siper I came to Lesvos, because … ‘A feeling of powerlessness overwhelmed me. I am active in a left-wing student group, but because of my study I didn’t have a lot of time to focus on it. Added to this, political work is very frustrating. You put so much effort in it, but you

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Pressemitteilung: Organisierte Gewalt gegen Geflüchtete auf Lesbos

„Eine Sonntagnacht im Frühling auf Lesbos, die Angst macht. Angst, dass Angriffe auf Menschen, die ihr Grundrecht auf Asyl in Anspruch nehmen, zur Normalität werden könnten.“ Die Situation auf Lesbos und den anderen griechischen Inseln ist seit dem 20. März 2016, mit dem Inkrafttreten des EU-Türkei-Abkommens, eine Ausnahmesituation. Menschen, die Asyl beantragen wollen, werden in

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