Suppliers at OHF Lesvos
OHF Lesvos wouldn’t have worked successfully without the collaboration with local suppliers. Leontis, amongst others, provided OHF with food and cafe supplies.
Their efficiency has been incredible. Fifie, one of the coordinators, says “Back then, when we were still cooking, if we noticed that our freshly prepared food wouldn’t be enough for the people in the centre, I would call Mersa just before the lunch serving and ask her to deliver cucumbers, Arabic bread and yoghurt as a back-up meal. The requested items would be delivered shortly after. Those were the busiest moments at OHF.”
This year Leontis supplied us daily with oranges for our popular freshly squeezed orange juice, which also gives nutrients to our fellow friends in the camp. Some now call OHF the juice place – that’s exciting but sad, since we are no longer running the centre!
They also supplies us with the dry food that is served in the free shop, which we will keep running as long as people need it!
Thank you very much for this positive collaboration, Leontis!

The Nest!
In the main hall of OHF Lesvos there was a door that opened to a tiny paradise: The Nest. A safe, warm and cosy space, with beautiful materials and wonderful, caring people running it, bringing joy to the little ones throughout the years.
The Nest was a project run in partnership with pilaglobal, from the USA, which supports under-served communities around the globe with Nests or early learning spaces. PILAglobal currently runs Nests in Mexico, Greece, DR Congo and Zimbabwe.
When we informed PILAglobal about the closing of our community centre on Lesvos, they were kind enough to allow us to use the furniture and materials in The Nest in a children’s space in Athens. As Medical Volunteers International wanted to keep the space on Lesvos due to the value it brings to the participants of their Kids MHPSS program, we shared with them The Nest’s furniture and materials and now, thanks to PILAglobal, there are two beautiful spaces for children, both on Lesvos and in Athens. And thanks to our Swiss Board member Nina, our kids’ space is now ready to welcome young visitors.
We thank PILAglobal for this collaboration through all these years. You can find out more about their work on their website https://www.pilaglobal.org/