German Support Association
Taxable donors* in Germany can deduct their donations from taxes by making a donation to our association in Germany. Please fill out the form below. For each individual donation under 200€ a simplified proof is sufficient, a donation receipt does not have to be submitted to the tax office.
Possible payment options are bank transfer or an online donation via credit card/PayPal.
Bank transfer
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
Kontoinhaber: One Happy Family – Support – Germany e.V.
Konto-Nr.: 12 35 71 89 00
IBAN: DE88 4306 0967 1235 7189 00
If you are not dependent on a donation receipt in Germany, you can support our Greek association directly.
We have founded the association One Happy Family – Support – Germany, primarily to support the humanitarian work in the OHF Community Center, Lesvos. We would like to do this in the sense of donations of money and goods, which we acquire by contacting companies, associations, organisations and private persons.
We are convinced that the current situation in Lesvos is not a Greek problem but a European problem. We therefore also see ourselves as responsible for contributing to the observance of human rights for all. The motivation of our work is therefore, in addition to fundraising, to educate and provide education in the broadest sense. We appeal to German and European politicians to take on this responsibility as well. Under the motto: WITH them, not FOR them, cooperation with refugees living in Greece and the EU is an essential part of our work.