It might not look big and organized from the outside, but from this container, we serve around 100 men a day with hygiene packages!
“It requires a lot of logistic work and organization to run the shop. We take care of the orders, make sure we do not run out of popular products, and that everyone gets exactly what they ordered. But we all work together to make it possible,” says Chrysa, one of the volunteers in the Online Shop.
All men can place an order online worth 25 points every month. Depending on what we have in stock, they can order hygiene products such as shampoo, soap, shower gel, socks, deodorant, wet vibes, condoms, and washing powder for clothes.
Chrysa says: “The visitors are happy to have the opportunity to choose what they need instead of getting a fixed bag, with what we think they want. It is also much more efficient for us – we do not waste any products. Recently we also changed from plastic bags to reusable bags. Now they bring their bag from last time and get refilled with their new order.”
One of the monthly visitors Mohammad explains: “We do not get monthly distributions from other organizations so this is important to me since it is products I use up in a month. Before we also did not have the opportunity to choose what we wanted, so I am happy with this option. And the people in the shop are very kind.”
We’re proud to announce that we are getting close to our order number 5000 and therefore we want to thank you for making this possible: Thanks to all who donated items to the shop. Thanks to all of the hardworking volunteers – especially our logistic team for all the efforts in organizing the shop. Thank you Mohammad for playing TheWeeknd every time we are tired of packing to cheer us all up and always turning on the fan when the container gets hot, hot, hot. Aref for modeling these pictures. And thank you Abbas for carrying out interviews to help with this update.
OHF is going green! OHF on it’s way towards more sustainable solutions! We are constantly trying to improve our impact on the environment, and with thanks to suggestions from our dedicated community and international volunteers, we are making positive steps in the right direction. This week, we changed to using reusable water bottles, rather than the single use bottles, so we can refill again and again, especially in this hot weather! In our Free Online Shop, we have stopped handing out the orders in plastic bags, as said above. Now, we give all the visitors at the shop a fabric bag with their order and ask them to bring it back, when they collect their order again next month. Thanks to donors of all the reusable items. Let’s go greener altogether!