
One Happy Family


September 2022

Even during a quiet month, everyday life at OHF always remains creative and active.
But meanwhile, on the borders of Greece, pushback practices continue
and lives are put at risk every day.

Relocated and pushed back

Situation in Greece

Eviction of oldest camp near Athens The Eleonas camp was scheduled to be closed in mid-August. This led to clashes between residents and activists and the police. The migrants do not want to be transferred again to a new "temporary" place, and long for long-term solutions and stability. Nevertheless, by the end of the year, all residents will be relocated, probably …

Calm but creative

Calm but creative
News from One Happy Family

VICTORIA COMMUNITY CENTRE Latest news from the Victoria Community Centre and our caféThe OHF café is a hub of activity and we have been busy with visitors, young and old, over the last few weeks! Alongside providing orange juice, coffee, WiFi and a space to rest and socialise, the café is also a place for our visitors to express themselves …

OHF Charity Day in Basel

OHF Charity Day in Basel
Pictures of the month

This month there was another OHF event in Switzerland. On Saturday, August 27, a charity day was held at the Lido in Basel. It was possible to register in advance for beach volleyball, paddle tennis and bocce tournaments.The whole day was spent playing and sweating (an OHF team consisting of board members, volunteers and former community volunteers was also there). …

Goodbye Yahia!

Goodbye Yahia!

As announced in the last newsletter, we say goodbye here to our coordination team member, Yahia. Yahia has been a valuable team member for several years and we would like to thank him from the bottom of our hearts for everything he’s done for One Happy Family. Yahia, with your calmed, level-headed and reflective nature, you have made an incredible …

Dedicated without too many frills

Dedicated without too many frills

Meet Fariba, in charge of our café at the Victoria Community Centre! If you ask around about Fariba, you will only hear sweet words.One of her teammates says of her: “She is kind and an excellent team player, always ready to collaborate, very active and involved in the activities of our community”.Our coordinator Akis says Fariba is “Kind, friendly, smiling …

Feedback and Donations

What can you do?

Your feedback is important to usDo you have any questions or comments about this newsletter? A good idea, an input or a suggestion? We are happy to receive your feedback at newsletter@ohf-lesvos.org Donations for continuationAnd of course we continue to rely on your donations. In order to be able to continue operating the Victoria community centre for another year from …

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Media Updates

Greece says it will try to retrieve migrant girl's body from river islet  Greek migration minister: Seasonal work visas to give Bangladeshi migrants 'dignity'
Content: Isabelle Kaufmann, Johanna Käser
Date: 01.09.22
One Happy Family | https://ohf-lesvos-org | info@ohf-lesvos.org | @ohflesvos
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CH-3400 Burgdorf, Switzerland
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